Monday, January 7, 2019

Dec 25-Jan 06

I feel like I need to start journaling my symptoms again. I’ve been having a lot of ups and downs and I feel like it’s been more downs than ups since about Christmas Day, so going on two weeks....

Dec 25
I had a rough day on Dec 25th. I was anxious about travelling upisland and how I would feel and being around a lot of family for Christmas. Just generally a bit overwhelmed I guess. The morning went fine. Unwrapping gifts at home and going to my sisters for brunch. I had a mimosa and some sugar cookies and got a mild headache but thought not much of it, that would be pretty typical for me to have sweet food and get a headache. 
We went up to ladysmith and I got a bit of groin pulling and I just sort of broke down. I was tired of being sore and symptomatically unpredictable and really done with feeling so unwell especially on a day like Christmas surrounded by happy and healthy family. 
After dinner I had a lot of GI pain and cramping and it felt like I was going to ha e diarrhea (see previous post). Made it home to Victoria, took 3 sprays of CBD/THC and fell asleep with my ponytail in, my glasses still on, and my phone on my chest. 

Dec 26
The next day I felt considerably better, although I had significant pain in my left jaw joint, which I thought was from either clenching my teeth in my sleep or sleeping with my glasses on (maybe I laid on my left and the arm pushed into my head?). I wasn’t feeling 100% but much better emotionally than the day before. Mild headache all day because of the jaw pain. 
We went back upisland for dinner. I spent a large portion of the evening standing at the stove frying potato pancakes. This occupied my mind and standing helped my abdo/pelvic pain. All in all it was a good day. 

Dec 27
Was back at work after having six days off. Still had a mild headache that seemed to resolve itself by mid day without any pain meds. Had strong pain near the left side of my sternum after eating Lucky Charms cereal with cows milk. Lasted about an hour. 

Dec 28
Still had a bit of sternum pain while walking to work. Jaw pain still present and by afternoon felt like it was also within my left ear like an earache. My head feels mild pressure on temples. By the time I went to bed the headache was back as well. 

Dec 29
Woke up with a bit of nausea. Progressed to a mild headache on the right side and Pain came later on in my pelvis and in the right side of my groin. Familiar pulling pain on the right groin muscle but with a cramping sensation on both sides of the pelvis. Still went out for lunch (dim sum) with minimal pain in the afternoon. 

Dec 30 
My mums birthday. We went back upisland for dinner (beef dip). Most of the day had the usual mild pains on and off but by 5:00 the random pressure on head was starting to build. Ate dinner and had a bit of left sided chest pain immediately afterward. I am had moderate pelvic and abdominal pain before going to bed. 

Dec 31
New Year’s Eve. Went to work. Had pain in right groin and abdomen while walking to work. Same when walking to and from lunch. 
Took an Aleve after lunch. Subsequent pain on left side. I feel like the Aleve helps the pain a bit but makes me feel a bit stoned - or maybe that’s the weird pressure headaches I’ve been having since the jaw pain started? Jaw pain is gone, but headaches remain. They’re not painful, they just feel like pressure, particularly on the temple and behind the ears on both sides. Did not go for my afternoon coffee break because I was feeling a lot of pelvic pain on both sides and it was pouring rain. 
Took 2 sprays of CBD/THC immediately when I got home from work and rested on the couch. 
Had steak and lobster with veggie casserole and Yorkshire pudding for dinner. Had some mild abdominal pain after dinner. Ate a bit more dinner and a very small glass of white wine while playing monopoly with family. Smoked some weed before bed, trying to see if that would help the pain or help me relax. Had mild pain on the right side of my chest/diaphragm (higher than right flank pain) at midnight (stayed up late for New Years, then went immediately to bed). 
*My tincture ended at dinner dose on Dec 31st

Jan 01
Woke up late around 10am. Having a few cystic pimples (one on collarbone, been there a few days; one on right side of mouth; one on left jaw line). Ate banana chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and smoked salmon for lunch. All day had mild abdominal and pelvic pains. For dinner had pulled pork tacos. 

Jan 02
Back to work. Started taking Florastor probiotic (2 pills twice a day). I have a mild headache despite getting a good nights sleep. Moderate pain in my pelvis and groin. 
Walked to life labs at 8:30 to get bloodwork done (CRP - results normal). Lab advises stool test is not covered ($115) and needs to be refrigerated and I should be taking any NSAIDs. Headache still present all morning.
Had a chicken burger for lunch with moderate abdominal pain afterwards.
Had leftovers for dinner with no pain. Took Florastor. Ate Lucky Charms with cow milk again at 7:30pm followed by abdominal pain and bloating. Used the heating pad for much of the evening and went to bed at 11:30 feeling flush with red skin, mild pressure headache and pain throughout my hips/groin/pelvis even when laying down which is unusual. 

Jan 03
Woke up with headache and nausea. Took Florastor and oregano pills. Was nauseous all morning. Had a green tea lemonade at 9:45 with some relief. Feeling very unwell and foggy like I can’t concentrate, very foggy. Along with the nausea and spontaneous feelings of pressure on my head, I’m feeling very anxious about why the nausea is returning and what these new headaches are caused by. Had sushi for lunch. Face feels flush. Still feel nauseous. Took an extra strength Tylenol at 4pm. Would have gone home early but daughter had an appointment downtown at 5:00pm; felt very out of it and sleepy at the appointment. I walked home with her at 6:00pm. Had groin/pelvic pain on the walk, so I took 2 sprays of CBD/THC and Florastor. Slept from 6:15-7:30. Ate rice with soy sauce and applesauce for dinner with two bites of pumpkin pie with whip cream. 
Went to bed at 9:30 with itchy skin and mild pelvic/groin pain. Laying in bed I had moderate but sharp abdominal pains. Took a while to fall asleep. 

Jan 04
Woke up slightly nauseous again. Took oregano pills and Florastor. Pretty mild morning until pressure headaches gave me dizzying brain fog again around 10:00. Tried another green tea lemonade and went for a long walk on my lunch break. 
Went for acupuncture at 2:00. First time back since Dec 17th. Felt good. Told her about the nausea and headaches and cystic acne. She gave me a food guide based on Chinese medicine (avoid cold foods, dairy, wheat, refined sugars, etc). I felt very tired and face felt flush afterwards. Took 2 sprays of CBD/THC when I got home from work. I had moderate pain on both sides of my groin and felt nauseous before dinner. I ate Noodle Box at 6:30p and had right flank squeezing pain at 9:45. Took Florastor and oregano pills before bed at 10:30. 

Jan 05
Up at 8:00 to take daughter to horseback riding. Took Florastor and oregano pills. Feeling very sad about the nausea/headaches/brain fog. Really don’t feel clear headed and I because I don’t know why I’m feeling this way, I don’t know how to feel better. Cried a bit on the drive to horseback riding. Daughter didn’t notice. Still having the pressure headaches along with pelvic pain and passing gas. Feeling really tired and sad. Came home and took a nap from 11:30-2:00. 
Ate a tune sandwich at 2:30. Had pelvic/groin pain on left side. Still have a pressure headache and brain fog. Took a generic excedrin at 5:00. Ate leftover pulled pork with rice for dinner at 7:30. Still nauseous after dinner but feeling emotionally better. 
By 9:30 I was still nauseous, headache has returned, and I have pelvic pain and right rib pain and right flank squeezing. None sever but all on top of each other is a bit overwhelming. 
Feeling flush by 10:00. 
Took Florastor and oregano pills before going to bed at 11:30. 

Jan 06
Woke up nauseous again at 8:30. Having pelvic cramps. Ate applesauce and rice milk. Took oregano pills and Florastor at 10:15 before leaving to meet mum and sister for shopping. Went to a couple stores within 20-30mins at the mall no issue. But while walking felt flush and dizzy and tired with pain in both hips/groin. Took it a lot slower from then on, clarity returned but not fully. Feeling very emotional because I feel like I’m not able to do simple things without having to bail or take a nap or feel sick. Still feeling nauseous and having the spontaneous pressure headaches. Left the mall around 11:30 and went to the grocery store on my way home. I sat in the grocery store parking lot for a long while and just held a little pity party for myself and cried my eyes out about all the things this illness - whatever it is - is making me feel and miss out on and feel like I’m failing at. 
Ate some smoked salmon at 1:30. Deboned two pork legs from groceries to go in the freezer. It was distracting enough. Took a shower at 5:00. I wondered if the new shampoo I bought recently (I think Dec 24) is the cause of my headaches (sometimes smells give me headaches, but I usually notice it, and hair smells would be pretty continuously around my nose - I used it at least twice) I used a different but similarly new and smelly shampoo to see if that helped anything. 
Ate homemade pizza dinner at 6:00. Took Florastor and oregano pills. 
By 8:00 headache is back, feels like the back of my head, above the nape of the neck on my right side feels tender as if I’d slept on a rock. Headache continued while I watched tv (which I don’t susually do with a headache). I took a Tylenol extra strength before going to bed at 9:30pm. 

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