Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday, January 25th

I took today off work because of how significant and dizzying my headaches were yesterday. I made an appointment to see my GP today and he said while I had no neuro or motor symptoms (no stumbling or numbness of limbs or vision problems or neck pain etc) that there were no red flags but it was odd to have a headache for that long (it’s been since Boxing Day and worse this week than any other eeek). He suggested Advil gel caps because they work faster. He wrote a requisition to check my iron and my thyroid. Both test came back with normal ranges (iron was low but not anemic). TSH was in the low range whereas two years ago it was high, so that was unexpected to me but still I guess normal range is good.
I am to come back in a week if the headache hasn’t gotten better and seek medical attention if it gets severe.
Other than Monday, I’ve only had to take one generic excedrin pill per day for it but the headache is still quite persistent and bothersome and primarily a lot of pressure around my left temple cheek/nose/sinus area; but it isn’t tender - counter pressure feels better rather than worse.
One of the side effects of the Zaxine antibiotic I’ve been taking since Jan 13th is headache and dizziness so it could be caused by that. I did take my dose this morning but then decided to try stopping and see if things get better over the weekend.
I see the naturopath in follow up on Wednesday and the OB/Gyn for the first time on Thursday. And then I’m supposed to get a filling from the dentist on Friday....

Texted Andrew before going to bed:
“Listen. These headaches and everything else kinda freak me out. And I know it’s probably nothing and I’ll be fine but just so you know; if I have a stroke or something and end up in a coma or have significant brain damage and have to be cared for for the rest of my life...pull the plug, I don’t want to be a vegetable.
Also if I die I want to be cremated.”

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday, Jan 22nd

Today and yesterday not so great. 

I still have the weird headache. The intensity rises and falls but the sensation around my temples, particularly my left temple, is always there. I can feel it in my forehead, my cheek bone, my nose, and sometimes behind my ear or at the back of my head. When it is really bad, I can feel it throbbing with the beat of my pulse, but mostly/usually it is like a tingly pressure sensation that sometimes makes me feel foggy, like I can’t think or focus quite clearly.
It feels like I have a head cold or a sinus headache but am not actually sick – I don’t have a sore throat or a stuffy nose or a cough or any other cold like symptoms except this month-long headache.

Really trying to talk myself out of the idea that I have a brain tumor. It’s just very unlikely and I think I’d have other symptoms if it was. It’s more probable that is has to do with my hormones or some sort of chemical imbalance like low iron or something like that.  

I had acupuncture last week on the 14th and I felt like it helped, or at least didn’t make it worse. But then I had acupuncture again yesterday on the 21st and my headache was noticeably worse and turned into a migraine. I felt a lot of pressure in my head an cheeks and over the course of the day took two excedrins and one tylenol with little relief. I felt nauseous after I got home and took a hot shower and had laid down in a dark room by 7pm, basically sleeping through until about 6:30am this morning. Migraine is gone but pressure headache on left side remains.

Period has also ended. It was late (began on Jan 17th, the 33rdday, when I usually have a 28-30 day cycle), and was very painful and quite heavy with a lot of clots for about 3 days and is now done after 5 days.  I had my ultrasound on Friday the 18th on day 2 of my cycle and it was suuuuuper painful just to roll from side to side or have the wand pressing near my pelvis.

Andrew and I went for Japanese Village on Friday - and it didn’t sit well with me; I had a lot of cramping and diarrhea afterwards – but there was a woman there talking loudly enough for the entire table to hear about her medical issues and some were similar to mine. She had menstrual changes and abdominal issues and nausea and always felt unwell and had headaches and it turned out she had a tumour on her thyroid. I am confident I don’t have a tumour on my thyroid but I did have hypothyroidism come back on a blood test in 2016. It wasn’t super significant but I’ve never had it re-evaluated since then and maybe that’s playing a part in all this. I think I will ask the naturopath or the OB/Gyn if I can get my TSH, Free T4, and Ferritin levels checked out. I will have to pay if the naturopath requests it but I think he’s the most likely or most willing to do it. And I really don’t want to go back to my GP. Especially with the new symptom of headaches, I feel like he will think I’m a hypochondriac or making it up or am just looking for pills or something... which makes me feel like he doesn’t believe what is happening to me and therefore is unwilling to help me. I mean he’s never said as much, but he’s never really taken action of his own initiative. He’s referred or ordered tests when other specialist have advised him to or when my mum begged him too and otherwise he’s very much on the “ride it out” stand point.

I just want to feel normal again. I want to trust my body again. Or at least know what I’m dealing with and how to manage it. If I know I’m just going to have abdominal issues and chronic migraines for the rest of my life but that it’s definitely not a cancer or something that will rupture or something I will need acute medical treatment for, then I’d feel safer to make plans and go about my life.
We’re planning a family trip (my mum, my sister, and our families) to DisneyWorld in October and I’ve still promised Keida I would re-book our trip to Paris when I am well but I am just so scared to leave the city and the vicinity of a hospital, never mind leaving the country!
Right now, today (last week was fine), I’m finding it hard just to get through the work day. Like moving my eyes around from my screen to paperwork is difficult, and doesn’t help my headache. Thought about getting my eyes rechecked but I just had my 2yr check up at the end of September 2018, so I’d have to pay for another exam, maybe I’ll wait and see what the OB/Gyn says on the 31st and go from there. If he’ll do an MRI that would definitely put my mind at ease but I’m preparing myself for him to say “doesn’t sound like a gyne issue” and no further follow up needed, which will be absolutely crushing.

I really just want to have a pity party and cry but I don’t think that helps anything. Google even tells me there’s such thing as depression headaches, which of course makes me feel like the cause of all of this is in my head; but it’s really hard not to feel down when you feel like you’re not participating in life like you normally do and are just going through the motions so you don’t lose your job or your house while meanwhile being really fearful that you have a significant but undiagnosed medical issue. Trying to keep focused on the fact that if there were something “really wrong” that something would have some up in one of the CT scans or in my bloodwork or ultrasounds or something.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday, January 13th

I detest whatever this illness is. If it is one illness. This weekend I’ve felt great. So much like my former self before all this started. I felt clear and strong and energized. But I also don’t trust it at all. To think that less than a week ago I was crying my eyes out having to leave a shopping trip after an hour, or going home early from work only six days ago, it just astounds me how quickly it/I change. And how quickly I forget. When I’m feeling good I’m flying high. With no/minimal pain and no nausea and no severe or unusual headaches, I want to make commitments and long term plans and set goals. But I know that when I do have pain, and particularly nausea and headaches, all I want to do is stay safe at home and bail on everything. I’m afraid to drive because my head doesn’t feel clear, I’m afraid to go out with people because I feel like such a downer, I’m afraid to make plans for my kids in case I’m not feeling well enough to chauffeur them around. And I think that’s the worst part of it all. Not knowing when I will feel good and when I won’t. If I knew for 100% that I would have a week of good days starting on X date oh I would re-book that trip to Paris in a heartbeat. But I’m just so scared and unsure of what my health now looks like that I don’t even like to leave the city. 

Both blood CRP and fecal calprotectin came back normal
Abdo ultrasound this Friday
Acupuncture tomorrow (and every Monday morning)
Gyne visit on the 31st

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Tuesday, January 8th

Jan 08
Today was a good day (relatively speaking).  
Woke up at 7:00. Felt a bit nausea and headachey when first waking but after getting out of bed not too bad. Took an oregano pill.  Ate applesauce and toast with cheese whiz. Nauseous enough that I sat down to eat it rather than walking around getting ready. Had a BM and collected for stool sample. My mum was driving the girls and me in to school and work and one kid was running a bit behind. I dropped my sample off at the lab before going to work (not covered, $110 fee). 
Went to work. Felt mildly nauseous on and off throughout the day but not much in the way of headaches so that was a huge relief. My head feels heavy or tingly. Random pressures especially around the temples primarily on the left side but nothing too distressing. 
Noticed more pain in pelvis; cramping in both sides noticed when going up stairs or sometimes when sitting; and pain on right side around ovary location especially when walking. 
Walked to Azuma and Ate a chicken teriyaki bento box for lunch. Did not eat the tomato or carrot or melon. 
Afternoon went by without issue. Tried to compile a list of tests I’ve had to take with me to the OB appt on the 31st. 
Was driven home by my mum at 4:30. Feeling a bit nauseous but also hungry. Ate leftover cavoletti pizza and sat on the couch all evening watching the kids play or playing on my phone. Mild sternum pain on and off. 
Ate some applesauce and took an oregano pill and Went to bed at 9:45. 

Most of the day my skin felt flush in the face. This has been the case since having acupuncture on Friday. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday, January 7th

Jan 07
Woke up nauseous again. Left a bit later than I should have. There’s new people starting their first day today, and I’m a supervisor and should be there early to be ready for them, and at this rate I’m going to be late. But when I try to walk quickly I get abdominal pain and pulling pain in my groin, so I slow down. Thankfully the other supervisor has it under control, but still I feel irresponsible. 
Felt nauseous and ready all morning. An employee who has just returned today from medical leave for a hysterectomy and I had a long talk about symptoms and recovery and that was helpful. We both cried but in an empathetic, rather than sympathetic kind of way, which was nice. 
Went for a walk on my coffee break at 9:45. I feel foggy, the walk helped a bit - it was cold out and I didn’t walk far. 
Got through my to-do list ok but felt the pressure like headache growing and feeling uncomfortable and more nauseous and foggy so I took a generic excedrin. Had a BM and then It was noon before I knew it. Walked up to London Drugs and back, got sushi to go and ate it at the office (prawn tempura roll, California roll and avocado roll). 
At 1:00 I had pain in my groin muscles and under my right rib. By 1:45 it was lower, that sort of squeezing on my right flank. 
I decided to leave work early at 2:15 even though I was feeling better than the morning, I just wanted to rest. I walked home with pelvic/groin pain. I sat at home and watched a bit of tv. The pressure like headache started to grow again so I turned the tv off. 
I read a book, then played an hour of video games with the kids. 
I ate leftover cavoletti pizza at 4:30 and noticed the headache again around 5:30. 
For the majority of the rest of the evening I sat on the couch while one of my kids slept on me (it was the first day back to school after winter break). 
I got up and took one oregano pill and went to bed at 9:30*

*Around 9pm my sister messaged me asking how I was doing because I seemed quiet in our shopping trip yesterday. I vented as below:
“Thanks. I’m surprised mum didn’t tell you but I cried when I was leaving. Not in a lot of pain lately but it’s still there and usually manageable. But in the last week I’ve had daily nausea and weird headaches or migraine that make feel like kind of foggy and like I can’t quite concentrate. And it’s really got me down. Just like “what next” and “how can I still be having new symptoms?!” And like “when am I going to feel stable or normal enough to make plans and not have to also make a back up plan for if I have to bail”
So just feeling really sad and quick to cry in general the last few days which I hate, especially at work. And I hate feeling like maybe I’m missing something. Like when I’m not quite able to concentrate... am I doing my work properly?
So when I was at the mall initially I was feeling pretty good but when I walked to reitmans to meet you guys I just felt like kind of nauseous and dizzy or hot maybe? Like I needed to sit or lie down. And from then on it was just like holding it together trying not to ruin our girls shopping trip but I was so not into it. I cried with mum for a bit when we exchanged stuff at the car and then I went and cried in the grocery store parking lot. 

I just feel so not myself because it’s been so long since I’ve felt “well” that it’s really getting me down. And I just start to spiral “what if the nausea gets as bad as it did in October when I didn’t work for three weeks?” Or “what if these migraines are something worse like a brain aneurysm” or just super simple thing “should I be driving if I feel unwell?” “Should I even sign up for parent teacher interviews in case I can’t go?” I know I need to get out and get fresh air and try but I just want to lay in bed with kids all day because I feel like I come home from work and just lay on the couch and I’m missing being a mom too. “

Dec 25-Jan 06

I feel like I need to start journaling my symptoms again. I’ve been having a lot of ups and downs and I feel like it’s been more downs than ups since about Christmas Day, so going on two weeks....

Dec 25
I had a rough day on Dec 25th. I was anxious about travelling upisland and how I would feel and being around a lot of family for Christmas. Just generally a bit overwhelmed I guess. The morning went fine. Unwrapping gifts at home and going to my sisters for brunch. I had a mimosa and some sugar cookies and got a mild headache but thought not much of it, that would be pretty typical for me to have sweet food and get a headache. 
We went up to ladysmith and I got a bit of groin pulling and I just sort of broke down. I was tired of being sore and symptomatically unpredictable and really done with feeling so unwell especially on a day like Christmas surrounded by happy and healthy family. 
After dinner I had a lot of GI pain and cramping and it felt like I was going to ha e diarrhea (see previous post). Made it home to Victoria, took 3 sprays of CBD/THC and fell asleep with my ponytail in, my glasses still on, and my phone on my chest. 

Dec 26
The next day I felt considerably better, although I had significant pain in my left jaw joint, which I thought was from either clenching my teeth in my sleep or sleeping with my glasses on (maybe I laid on my left and the arm pushed into my head?). I wasn’t feeling 100% but much better emotionally than the day before. Mild headache all day because of the jaw pain. 
We went back upisland for dinner. I spent a large portion of the evening standing at the stove frying potato pancakes. This occupied my mind and standing helped my abdo/pelvic pain. All in all it was a good day. 

Dec 27
Was back at work after having six days off. Still had a mild headache that seemed to resolve itself by mid day without any pain meds. Had strong pain near the left side of my sternum after eating Lucky Charms cereal with cows milk. Lasted about an hour. 

Dec 28
Still had a bit of sternum pain while walking to work. Jaw pain still present and by afternoon felt like it was also within my left ear like an earache. My head feels mild pressure on temples. By the time I went to bed the headache was back as well. 

Dec 29
Woke up with a bit of nausea. Progressed to a mild headache on the right side and Pain came later on in my pelvis and in the right side of my groin. Familiar pulling pain on the right groin muscle but with a cramping sensation on both sides of the pelvis. Still went out for lunch (dim sum) with minimal pain in the afternoon. 

Dec 30 
My mums birthday. We went back upisland for dinner (beef dip). Most of the day had the usual mild pains on and off but by 5:00 the random pressure on head was starting to build. Ate dinner and had a bit of left sided chest pain immediately afterward. I am had moderate pelvic and abdominal pain before going to bed. 

Dec 31
New Year’s Eve. Went to work. Had pain in right groin and abdomen while walking to work. Same when walking to and from lunch. 
Took an Aleve after lunch. Subsequent pain on left side. I feel like the Aleve helps the pain a bit but makes me feel a bit stoned - or maybe that’s the weird pressure headaches I’ve been having since the jaw pain started? Jaw pain is gone, but headaches remain. They’re not painful, they just feel like pressure, particularly on the temple and behind the ears on both sides. Did not go for my afternoon coffee break because I was feeling a lot of pelvic pain on both sides and it was pouring rain. 
Took 2 sprays of CBD/THC immediately when I got home from work and rested on the couch. 
Had steak and lobster with veggie casserole and Yorkshire pudding for dinner. Had some mild abdominal pain after dinner. Ate a bit more dinner and a very small glass of white wine while playing monopoly with family. Smoked some weed before bed, trying to see if that would help the pain or help me relax. Had mild pain on the right side of my chest/diaphragm (higher than right flank pain) at midnight (stayed up late for New Years, then went immediately to bed). 
*My tincture ended at dinner dose on Dec 31st

Jan 01
Woke up late around 10am. Having a few cystic pimples (one on collarbone, been there a few days; one on right side of mouth; one on left jaw line). Ate banana chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and smoked salmon for lunch. All day had mild abdominal and pelvic pains. For dinner had pulled pork tacos. 

Jan 02
Back to work. Started taking Florastor probiotic (2 pills twice a day). I have a mild headache despite getting a good nights sleep. Moderate pain in my pelvis and groin. 
Walked to life labs at 8:30 to get bloodwork done (CRP - results normal). Lab advises stool test is not covered ($115) and needs to be refrigerated and I should be taking any NSAIDs. Headache still present all morning.
Had a chicken burger for lunch with moderate abdominal pain afterwards.
Had leftovers for dinner with no pain. Took Florastor. Ate Lucky Charms with cow milk again at 7:30pm followed by abdominal pain and bloating. Used the heating pad for much of the evening and went to bed at 11:30 feeling flush with red skin, mild pressure headache and pain throughout my hips/groin/pelvis even when laying down which is unusual. 

Jan 03
Woke up with headache and nausea. Took Florastor and oregano pills. Was nauseous all morning. Had a green tea lemonade at 9:45 with some relief. Feeling very unwell and foggy like I can’t concentrate, very foggy. Along with the nausea and spontaneous feelings of pressure on my head, I’m feeling very anxious about why the nausea is returning and what these new headaches are caused by. Had sushi for lunch. Face feels flush. Still feel nauseous. Took an extra strength Tylenol at 4pm. Would have gone home early but daughter had an appointment downtown at 5:00pm; felt very out of it and sleepy at the appointment. I walked home with her at 6:00pm. Had groin/pelvic pain on the walk, so I took 2 sprays of CBD/THC and Florastor. Slept from 6:15-7:30. Ate rice with soy sauce and applesauce for dinner with two bites of pumpkin pie with whip cream. 
Went to bed at 9:30 with itchy skin and mild pelvic/groin pain. Laying in bed I had moderate but sharp abdominal pains. Took a while to fall asleep. 

Jan 04
Woke up slightly nauseous again. Took oregano pills and Florastor. Pretty mild morning until pressure headaches gave me dizzying brain fog again around 10:00. Tried another green tea lemonade and went for a long walk on my lunch break. 
Went for acupuncture at 2:00. First time back since Dec 17th. Felt good. Told her about the nausea and headaches and cystic acne. She gave me a food guide based on Chinese medicine (avoid cold foods, dairy, wheat, refined sugars, etc). I felt very tired and face felt flush afterwards. Took 2 sprays of CBD/THC when I got home from work. I had moderate pain on both sides of my groin and felt nauseous before dinner. I ate Noodle Box at 6:30p and had right flank squeezing pain at 9:45. Took Florastor and oregano pills before bed at 10:30. 

Jan 05
Up at 8:00 to take daughter to horseback riding. Took Florastor and oregano pills. Feeling very sad about the nausea/headaches/brain fog. Really don’t feel clear headed and I because I don’t know why I’m feeling this way, I don’t know how to feel better. Cried a bit on the drive to horseback riding. Daughter didn’t notice. Still having the pressure headaches along with pelvic pain and passing gas. Feeling really tired and sad. Came home and took a nap from 11:30-2:00. 
Ate a tune sandwich at 2:30. Had pelvic/groin pain on left side. Still have a pressure headache and brain fog. Took a generic excedrin at 5:00. Ate leftover pulled pork with rice for dinner at 7:30. Still nauseous after dinner but feeling emotionally better. 
By 9:30 I was still nauseous, headache has returned, and I have pelvic pain and right rib pain and right flank squeezing. None sever but all on top of each other is a bit overwhelming. 
Feeling flush by 10:00. 
Took Florastor and oregano pills before going to bed at 11:30. 

Jan 06
Woke up nauseous again at 8:30. Having pelvic cramps. Ate applesauce and rice milk. Took oregano pills and Florastor at 10:15 before leaving to meet mum and sister for shopping. Went to a couple stores within 20-30mins at the mall no issue. But while walking felt flush and dizzy and tired with pain in both hips/groin. Took it a lot slower from then on, clarity returned but not fully. Feeling very emotional because I feel like I’m not able to do simple things without having to bail or take a nap or feel sick. Still feeling nauseous and having the spontaneous pressure headaches. Left the mall around 11:30 and went to the grocery store on my way home. I sat in the grocery store parking lot for a long while and just held a little pity party for myself and cried my eyes out about all the things this illness - whatever it is - is making me feel and miss out on and feel like I’m failing at. 
Ate some smoked salmon at 1:30. Deboned two pork legs from groceries to go in the freezer. It was distracting enough. Took a shower at 5:00. I wondered if the new shampoo I bought recently (I think Dec 24) is the cause of my headaches (sometimes smells give me headaches, but I usually notice it, and hair smells would be pretty continuously around my nose - I used it at least twice) I used a different but similarly new and smelly shampoo to see if that helped anything. 
Ate homemade pizza dinner at 6:00. Took Florastor and oregano pills. 
By 8:00 headache is back, feels like the back of my head, above the nape of the neck on my right side feels tender as if I’d slept on a rock. Headache continued while I watched tv (which I don’t susually do with a headache). I took a Tylenol extra strength before going to bed at 9:30pm. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thursday, January 3rd

Woke up this morning feeling nauseous and had a headache. Got out of bed for work felt a bit better being up and moving about. Walking to work my right flank hurts and my groin muscles feel like they’re being pulled. Still feel slightly nauseous. Not feeling good emotionally. Still worried it might be something more sinister than endometriosis. Sad about how much this has changed my way of life and my thinking (being worried and cautious all the time and not wanting to stray too far from home; always thinking about the possibility of it being something like cancer that’s gone undiagnosed). 
All day was a roller coaster. I felt fine at times and really unwell at others and then I’d get upset about it. Waves of nausea. Pains were typical but consistent (abdo, flank, pelvis, groin). Odd intermittent/random pressure on both sides of head makes me very nervous. But made it through the day. Came home and had a short nap before going to bed at 9:30. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wednesday, January 2nd

I’ve been having weird headaches for maybe a week or so. Started with a pressure/squeeze feeling on my right temple, then also happened on my left a day or two later. Now I get sort of squeezing vice like pangs in different places but it comes and goes. This is different then my usual headaches which I could feel coming and would get better or worse depending on my actions (foods, screens, meds, etc). These ones are random and don’t stick around. A bit frightening. Wanted to note it down somewhere just in case I collapse or die from something like a brain aneurism. :/

Today and two days ago haven’t been great. Lots of abdo pangs and squeezing and pulling pains in my groin. Generally feeling fairly down as well. I wonder if it’s because I’ve gone two weeks without acupuncture (last gone Dec 17th, I go again on the 4th)?

Bought a book called “The doctor will see you now” and it is making me more convinced that I could have endometriosis. There’s a story in there very similar to mine where a 30 yr old woman with no previous symptoms and a couple kids had spontaneous pelvic pain that was diagnosed as a burst cyst and the pain never went away and a couple years later had a lap with an excision specialist and had endo throughout.... so maybe. But it also makes me scared because the best shot at removing endo is deep excision surgery - everything else seems to be temporary relief or lots of side effects or likely to exacerbate... sigh.

Also side note - having a few large pimples in different places. One on my collar bone, one on my jawline, a couple on my back... but they’re all full of fluid, not like a red raised bit with a white head...

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday, December 25th (Christmas)

4:50pm. Not feeling super great. I haven’t kept a diary of the last few days because they’ve been largely uneventful. Apart from being constipated for three days and having a painful BM yesterday I’ve been largely pain and symptom free. 
But today, I woke up at 7:30 a bit nauseous. Got up at 8:15 and felt better moving about. We opened presents and got ready for the day. Had a BM around 9a with some pain and strain. Around 9:30 I got a wave of nausea as I was writing some last minute cards. So I ate a banana and a piece of toast with cheese whiz. That helped. We left for my sister house in shawnigan lake for brunch. Felt ok, just still hungry. 
Got there and had a piece of bacon, a piece of sausage, one waffle with butter and syrup, one mimosa (orange juice and Prosecco), and two whole wheat sugar cookies. Took my tincture and my oregano pills. Got a headache. Took an excedrin around 2pm and rested on the couch. Before then, we unwrapped presents and prepped and started cooking the turkey. 
At 3pm we started packing up to leave. While carrying the turkey, I had groin pain on my right side. It felt like a pulled muscle or gas moving. I tried to have a BM but nothing happened. Drove up to ladysmith, felt a bit foggy and a bit nauseous with the mild/moderate pain in pelvis, mostly in the right. 
Got to ladysmith around 4p, didn’t carry anything heavy, prepped the Brussels sprouts (cutting them) and felt a bit nauseous again. Finished getting the Brussels ready and then laid down for a bit. 
Feel generally unwell. Mild headache, mild nausea, mild pain, mild gas/constipation... nothing feeling great. Browsing my phone while laying here I see a promo for the Rifflandia music festival to buy early bird tickets for next year and my mind immediately goes to “if I can go / if I will be here” 😭
The endometriosis group on FB is still helpful for diet/med advice but also super scary talking about people who have had surgeries only to be in more pain afterwards. Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of the house being full of people and not being able to just lay down and feel ok about it. 
Felt a bit better before dinner. Dinner went ok. Ate turkey (dark meat), cranberry sauce, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, Brussels, corn. Felt no worse immediately after dinner so took it further and had my nanas raspberry cheesecake for dessert. Really feeling bad about 30mins after eating that. Very crampy. My abdomen feels like I’m about to have diarrhea. Tried having a BM, but it was very hard painful lumps that also caused a lot of bleeding (I think from a hemmroid) and then I was interrupted because there’s only one bathroom in the house. Intense, rhythmic cramping continued, so I figured it was time to go. Tried the bathroom once more before we left but no movement, just more blood from my rectum. Stopped at an outhouse in cobble hill on the way home. Again, no movement just blood. Rhythmic cramping continues. Having to breathe through them like contractions. Some gurgling sounds a bit now. Got home and had two separate painful BMs with bleeding then a diarrhea BM with no bleeding. Feeling fully evacuated now. 
Took three sprays of CBD and a zinc lozenge and had a hot bath. 

Watched an hour of tv, felt sick/hungry so I ate some popcorn and half a banana and was in bed by midnight.