Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday, December 25th (Christmas)

4:50pm. Not feeling super great. I haven’t kept a diary of the last few days because they’ve been largely uneventful. Apart from being constipated for three days and having a painful BM yesterday I’ve been largely pain and symptom free. 
But today, I woke up at 7:30 a bit nauseous. Got up at 8:15 and felt better moving about. We opened presents and got ready for the day. Had a BM around 9a with some pain and strain. Around 9:30 I got a wave of nausea as I was writing some last minute cards. So I ate a banana and a piece of toast with cheese whiz. That helped. We left for my sister house in shawnigan lake for brunch. Felt ok, just still hungry. 
Got there and had a piece of bacon, a piece of sausage, one waffle with butter and syrup, one mimosa (orange juice and Prosecco), and two whole wheat sugar cookies. Took my tincture and my oregano pills. Got a headache. Took an excedrin around 2pm and rested on the couch. Before then, we unwrapped presents and prepped and started cooking the turkey. 
At 3pm we started packing up to leave. While carrying the turkey, I had groin pain on my right side. It felt like a pulled muscle or gas moving. I tried to have a BM but nothing happened. Drove up to ladysmith, felt a bit foggy and a bit nauseous with the mild/moderate pain in pelvis, mostly in the right. 
Got to ladysmith around 4p, didn’t carry anything heavy, prepped the Brussels sprouts (cutting them) and felt a bit nauseous again. Finished getting the Brussels ready and then laid down for a bit. 
Feel generally unwell. Mild headache, mild nausea, mild pain, mild gas/constipation... nothing feeling great. Browsing my phone while laying here I see a promo for the Rifflandia music festival to buy early bird tickets for next year and my mind immediately goes to “if I can go / if I will be here” 😭
The endometriosis group on FB is still helpful for diet/med advice but also super scary talking about people who have had surgeries only to be in more pain afterwards. Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of the house being full of people and not being able to just lay down and feel ok about it. 
Felt a bit better before dinner. Dinner went ok. Ate turkey (dark meat), cranberry sauce, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, Brussels, corn. Felt no worse immediately after dinner so took it further and had my nanas raspberry cheesecake for dessert. Really feeling bad about 30mins after eating that. Very crampy. My abdomen feels like I’m about to have diarrhea. Tried having a BM, but it was very hard painful lumps that also caused a lot of bleeding (I think from a hemmroid) and then I was interrupted because there’s only one bathroom in the house. Intense, rhythmic cramping continued, so I figured it was time to go. Tried the bathroom once more before we left but no movement, just more blood from my rectum. Stopped at an outhouse in cobble hill on the way home. Again, no movement just blood. Rhythmic cramping continues. Having to breathe through them like contractions. Some gurgling sounds a bit now. Got home and had two separate painful BMs with bleeding then a diarrhea BM with no bleeding. Feeling fully evacuated now. 
Took three sprays of CBD and a zinc lozenge and had a hot bath. 

Watched an hour of tv, felt sick/hungry so I ate some popcorn and half a banana and was in bed by midnight. 

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