Thursday, December 20, 2018

Wednesday, December 19th

Puked again at 11:30pm last night. So did two eldest daughters. Went back to bed and slept through until 7am. 
Woke off and in until getting out of bed at 9:30am. All school aged kids are staying home from school with the flu today. 
Drank some cold ginger tea (leftover from yesterday), took one oregano pill, and ate a slice of toast with vegan margarine and strawberry jam. 
I don’t feel nauseous but my stomach is very tight and sore. Feels like I have a rock sitting above my navel. Also feel like I need to have a BM but nothing happening. 
Left at 10:00, caught the bus up to the hospital for my UMAC appt at 10:45. Nothing much to say, I told her I made the appt when I felt my symptoms were more abdominal but since then have definitely been more pelvic/groin and I mainly kept the appt to check in on the ultrasound I haven’t had yet. She called booking on that and they said they were trying to fit me in ASAP but it still might be a couple weeks - shortage of technicians. 
Took the bus back downtown, tried to go to the lab but it was over 30mins wait and already 11:30, so I didn’t stay. Went to london drugs and got some tums, eno, zinc lozenges, and children’s Tylenol and went to work for the afternoon. I took one tums and one lozenge in the walk to work. I wasn’t sure if I was feeling up to it and was worried I wouldn’t last the day but I was definitely feeling better than yesterday so I thought I’d give it a go. Had a bit of a sour stomach but managed to each a slice of Hawaiian pizza (slowly, over the course of an hour) and get through my meetings. 
Went for a walk at 2:30, had some minor right flank squeezy pains. Ate a digestive cookie. The rest of the day went fine. Walked home at 4:30 without issue. Got home and had more pizza for dinner (three slices of bbq chicken over a couple hours). Mainly stayed on the couch, played video games with kids, watched a movie, etc. Around 5:30 or 6:00 I readjusted how I was sitting and it felt like my menstrual cup had moved out of place. Very uncomfortable internal feeling as if something was pressing on my bones and pinching nerves in the process. Lasted about 5-10 mins and then was gone. 
Stayed up after the kids went to bed wrapping presents for Christmas. 

Went to bed at midnight. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday, December 18th

Woke up at 7:00, got up at 7:15. Feeling very crampy and a bit nauseous. My stomach is still feeling off (May be the mild flu passing through our house). Menstruated cycle in heavy flow. Dark red blood. Would call in and rest but have things to get done at work today. 
Had an urgent BM at 7:40 that was mainly formed followed by very soft stools. Was driven to work. Feeling very ill but not having any vomiting or bowel symptoms so powering through. Walked to coffee at 9:45, drank an almond milk chestnut praline latte. Very nauseous/foggy after (around 10:30) but keeping busy helps keep me distracted from it.  After dumping & reinserting menstrual cup I had a lot of internal pain as if it’s not in quite right. Readjusted with some relief. Ate a digestive cookie at 11:30. Walked a few blocks up to London drugs at noon, felt very nauseous the entire time. Lots of pain like a pulled muscle in right groin area. Got lunch at the Market on Yates (salad) but did not eat it. Left work at 1:45 super nauseous. Second kid home from school with the flu. Belching and hiccups on the walk home. Home by 2:00. Curled up on the couch for a bit, ate a piece of toast with cheese whiz, drank some water. Had a bath at 3:00. Getting out of the bath I dry heaved but did not vomit. At 3:45 had urgent diarrhea BM. Still feeling very nauseous. Sat back on couch with heating pad over pelvis. Fell in and out of sleep. Sometimes thought I needed to vomit but as  soon as I stood up it had passed. 
At 5:30 I vomited a lot. Took 15mL of Emetrol. Helped daughter who was also vomiting, then laid down on pull out couch. I’m certain I “just” have the flu but the return of abdominal pain and nausea after nearly two weeks of feeling relatively good has really thrown me back into a mild depression. I can’t believe how different I feel tonight compared to one week ago where I very nearly felt like my old self. I think I need to lay down and rest but laying here like an invalid is not helping my mental health. 
Think I need to go back to eliminating caffeine and dairy. 

Entire abdomen is feeling very tight and painful. Got up at 9:00, ate half a mandarin orange, had a shower, took another 15mL of emetrol and two sprays of CBD/THC and went to bed. Stomach very sore, I tried laying in left side but then left groin feels like a pulled muscle and hurts to extend like that. But if I’m curled up my stomach pain is worse. 
Took tomorrow morning off and am supposed to see the UMAC Dr again tomorrow at 10:45. I guess we’ll See how im doing afterwards but I kinda need to be at work during the afternoon so fingers crossed. 

Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday, December 17th

Alarm went off at 6:45, got up at 7:00. 
Woke up kids who needed to wash their hair dye out before school. Got ready. Feeling quite crampy but nothing on my overnight pad when I went to the washroom (a bit of red blood on wiping). Had a soft but mildly strained BM at 7:30. My upper centre abdomen/stomach feels hard and tight. Took and Aleve and two sprays of CBD and left to walk to work. Feeling intense but not severe cramping in pelvis and thighs. Hips are sore and right groin/ovary area feels very tight and pulley. 
Dropped my things off at work and went to my acupuncture appt at 8:00. Very similar session to last time (pins down my back and lower legs) though I felt fairly sore afterwards in comparison to last time but I think that’s because of my menstrual cycle. Went back to work. Aside from the cramping and some abdominal pains the morning was ok. Went for a walk on my coffee break, got an almond milk chestnut praline latte. Pelvis/groin really aches during the walk and for a while after. Tried to have a BM twice between 10 and 11, as I was having a lot of cramps and abdominal pains but no movement occurred. Medium/heavy flow today. 
Walked to lunch, ate miso soup, California roll, prawn tempura roll and avocado roll with spicy mayo, sesame seeds, soy sauce, and green tea. 
Having a lot more cramps and abdominal pain and heavier bleeding after lunch. 
Had a large, soft BM with a lot of cramping at 12:45. Ate two digestive cookies and a mug of ginger tea. 
Left work at 1:40 to get to GP appt. Walked home, then drove out to Langford. The drive was typically uncomfortable but not too bad, but if pain around my diaphragm area and of course the menstrual cramps continue. At the appointment, The gastro referral request was replied to with a letter stating they had looked over my file and agreed with the UMAC Dr that I should see a gyne first and have any gyne issues ruled out before a gastro would take me on. Though the did suggest a fecal calprotectin test (stool) and a CRP test (blood) to look for inflammation. So I have a req for those now, with results being copied to my GP and the UMAC GIM. 
Drive to my mums house to pick up some things on the way home then drive to uptown to exchange a pair of shoes. The drive from Langford to uptown was a lot worse for pain, using labour techniques to help dull the intense aching and tightening from ribs to thighs. Not constant but definitely consistent. 
Got home around 3:45, immediately took off my jean as I feel like my stomach is trying to pop out of them, ate two pieces of toast with cheese whiz and some leftover batter prawns and sat on the couch with a heating pad. 
Stayed on the couch until 6:30, made the kids dinner (pasta and sausages). While laying on the couch the cramps and pains were still quite moderate but once I got up and moved about they lessened a bit. 

Ate three sausages (pork, mild Italian) and a bit of applesauce. Sat at the computer for an hour or two, then tidied up a bit and had a hot bath. Took two sprays of CBD/THC. Went to bed at 10:30 still feeling quite crampy in pelvis and thighs. 

Sunday, December 16th

Woke up around 9:45 with cramps. Got up to use the bathroom - minor brown spotting, small clots - and went back to bed. Got up again at 11:00. Husband now has daughters flu so I finished making the pancakes for the kids. Ate three (banana chocolate chip pancakes) and some ginger tea. Worked on the computer for a bit. Got ready to go and left to drive to uptown at 1:00 solo. 
Had a bit of cramps and passing gas initially while walking about the shopping centre but that passed after 15mins or so. Only minor right flank pain towards the end of the shopping trip (3:00 ish). 
Drove home, unloaded groceries, had some leftover popcorn and more ginger tea. Watched tv with the kids and then ate dinner around 6:00 (Panko breaded prawns, cabbage, cilantro, tomato, rice, dill sauce, white rice, soy sauce) and more ginger tea. Before I was finished the bowl my right lower pelvis started seizing up and aching intensely. I think it has something to do with either tomatoes or the dill sauce....

Had a shower after dinner, played some video games, dyed daughters hair, and played on my phone. Sent the girls to bed then watched a movie with my husband eating the remains of the leftover popcorn and another cup of ginger tea. Put Nivea face cream on my face to combat the drying. Went to bed at midnight. Face feels itchy with the lotion on. Laying in bed I had a pain like a runners stitch sort of but more in the bones right beneath/under my right ribs. Went away within 15 mins of laying down. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday, December 15th

Woke up to alarm at 6:15 (planned to work overtime at 7:00). Tummy still feels off, I have menstrual cramps, and I’m tired from going to bed late. Hit reset for an hour and planned to work at 8:00. Got up at 7:15 but just went to the bathroom and decided I really didn’t feel that great and it was probably better to rest for the morning rather than burn out unnecessarily. Slept until 8:00/8:30 when youngest daughter woke up puking again. Dealt with that then went back to sleep until 10:30. Got up when my mum had brought other daughter back home at 10:45 from horseback riding. Got ready to take the kitten to the vet in east Saanich at noon. Ate two pieces of toast with cheese whiz and some unsweetened applesauce. Had a soft BM and left in the car at 11:30. I felt slightly nauseous/stomach knots all morning but the drive didn’t cause me the discomfort it usually does. Had the vet appointment. Stopped at Mayfair mall on the way home for about an hour and was home by 2:00. Ate the remaining piece of schnitzel with some more apple sauce and drank a ginger tea. Got picked up at 3:30 to go to a photo group meetup. Walked around downtown with my heavy camera and tripod from 4:00 until 5:30 when I got home (walked from downtown). I had no pain while out except for mild pain on the shoulder my bag was on (right shoulder) and the same aching in the joint/bone of my right hip when I was nearly home. 
I rested for a bit then ate two waffles (with vegan margarine and butter flavoured syrup) with 5 or 6 plain fried chicken wings and a cup of white rice with brags soy sauce. Drank another cup of ginger tea and a few glasses of water through the evening. 
Later on around 8:00/9:00 I had two handfuls of veggie straws (chips) and popcorn (coconut oil, nutritional yeast, dill, garlic salt). Watched a movie with husband from 8:00-10:30 and then went to bed. 

Generally a pretty pain free day!

Friday, December 14th

Daughter was sick consistently until about 3:30/4:00am. 
I woke up just before 7:00 when my husband came home from his night shift and got out of bed at 7:20. Feeling a bit crampy and might have to have a BM. Really hope I’m not getting the bug. 
Had a formed BM at 7:30. Took oregano pills afterwards and left to walk to work at 7:40. 
Walking to work I felt aches and pains in my right hip/groin area and mild cramping in my pelvis and thighs, although the latter is likely pre-menstrual cramping. Trying to walk slow to avoid the pain. 
Got to work, not too bad. Felt off but was occupied enough to distract myself for most of the morning. Walked to coffee at 10:15. Drank an almond milk chestnut praline latte, shopped at Kaboodles and walked back to work. 
Feeling both upset tummy and very hungry. Before lunch I had a lot of general abdominal pains and could feel the gas moving around. Had minor flatulence. 
Walked to cactus club for lunch. Ate a prawn ravioli trio (butternut squash, truffle oil, marscapone cheese) and a bit water with lemon. I knew halfway through that it wasn’t going to sit well but it was so delicious I continued to eat it. Stomach definitely feels off. Not quite nauseous but twisted up. When I got back to work I immediately ate two digestive cookies as I felt it might help my stomach. I had a lot of cramping and had and eventually diarrhea at 2:00. 
I had all kinds of pain on and off throughout the remainder of the day. I had fairly intense pain in my cervix before and after the diarrhea, and I had an aching in my right shoulder. I feel like a heat pad or some A535 lotion would’ve helped but I had neither at work. 
Also had the same aching in my right hip/groin/pelvis area that was not ovary pain but similar though larger area. 
Things started to settle after I evacuated my bowels but my stomach still felt all twisted up. I wasn’t sure if I felt nauseous or just generally unwell or overly tired from being up so much last night, but I thoroughly considered going home early except that it was my co-supervisor’a very last day and I didn’t want to leave her alone on her last day. 
Took an Aleve at 2:15 hoping that would help. 
Went for another 15 min walk at 2:45. Fresh air helped a bit. Stuck it out until home time, though I cancelled plans to go out to Langford after work (supposed to go swimming with my mum). 
Walked home at 4:20 without issue. Didn’t feel very hungry but mechanically ate some leftover schnitzel. My daughter hasn’t vomited today but still seems unwell (slightly fevered, flush, sleeping on the couch a lot, loss of bowels). I shared some applesauce with her and for most of the night I sat on the couch with her while a movie played. After the kids went to bed I finished my book. Had some intermittent gas and shoulder pains through the evening but not as severe as this afternoon. 

Finally went to bed around midnight. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thursday, December 13th

Wore earplugs all night because of pounding rain on roof. Woke up at 5:15, slept on and off until alarm went off at 7:00. Feeling quite menstrual crampy. Got up at 7:15, had a strenuous firmed BM, feeling a bit constipated. Took two oregano pills (tincture done) and left to walk to work at 7:40. Morning was generally ok. I had but if groin pain, or at least sort of ovary height but definitely more towards the front of my body/skin as opposed to internal. 
I ate a digestive cookie and drank some ginger tea when I got to work. Had deeper, more intense but similar pain around 9:00. I took an Aleve at 9:15. 
Realized my new phone wasn’t connecting to the internet so I walked to the mall at 10:00 to troubleshoot. Felt very hungry already and eager for lunch. At 12:00 walked to Pho Boi on Fort St and ate summer rolls with peanut sauce and a pho tai. Walked back feeling very full indeed. Felt fine for remainder of afternoon with only mild pains on my right side. 
Walked three blocks to a meeting at 1:45.
Walked to MEC at 2:45, right hip hurt mildly during the walk (more of a bone/joint pain). 
Walked home at 4:20 without issue. 
Finished making dinner that my husband had started (pork schnitzel and white rice). Ate a large bowl of the two with some brags soy sauce at 5:30. Took the oregano pills. Sat down on the computer bench and finished setting up daughters new phone. Around 6:30 I got another bowl of dinner and sat on the couch. Got up briefly at 7:30 and ate half of a very large orange poppyseed cinnamon bun. Had quite a lot of significant sharp pain in right groin/ovary area as if a muscle was severely pulled. Not bad to stay still but very painful to extend the area in any way. Took two sprays of CBD/THC. Sat back down on the couch with a heating pad and read my book until 9:30. 
At 9:30, and every 30 mins or so until nearly midnight, youngest daughter was vomiting. Put us to bed at 10:00 and cared for her throughout the night. 

Really hoping I don’t catch her bug....

Wednesday, December 12th

Woke up at 6:30 when daughters alarm went off. Got out of bed at 7:15. 
Ate a slice of apple with the tincture and took the oregano pills. 
Felt like I had to have a BM but nothing came. 
Walked to work at 7:40 without issue. 
Morning went by fairly uneventfully. I ate some digestive cookies, drank some water. Went for my 15 min walk at 9:45. Drank an almond milk chestnut praline latte. No issues after. Walked a couple blocks up to London drugs at 12:00. Felt a bit sore and ticketed our but mildly so. Got a shrimp summer roll from the market on Yates and ate that (3 rolls with peanut sauce to dip) around 1:00. Some pains in side but could be from the walk. Took an Aleve around 1:30 and got some ginger tea. Had a meeting with boss at 2:00. I felt with it and like I could speak fine enough but vision was a bit fuzzy. I kept trying to maintain eye contact and actively listen but I felt like my eyes weren’t focussing.  Went for a walk at 2:45 with zero issues. Had another digestive cookie after. Was drive home at 4:20 (no heavy bag to carry and took elevator to 4th floor of parkade this time so no issues. After getting home, I left in my car to pick up packages. It took about an hour and my entire abdomen but as usual mostly on the right side felt squished and yet hard. Like I’m wearing a bad corset or something. My body really does not agree with sitting in the drivers seat anymore. Not sure if I feel up to going to a school meeting later this evening. 
Got back home at 5:30, made the kids some kraft dinner and myself some homemade summer rolls (rice wraps, shrimp, pollock, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, avocado) and took the tincture and oregano pills with a slice of apple. Took two sprays of CBD/THC. 
Left for meeting at 6:15. Was at the school until 7:45 with no issues at all. In fact on the drive home I was thinking how that hour or so was probably the longest I’ve gone feeling absolutely normal and pain free in a very long time. 
Once back at home I got the kids ready for bed and tried to sort out the packages I had picked up earlier (Xmas gifts). I ate two pieces of toast with cheese whiz about 30mins apart. Moving around and being somewhat active gives me a mild squeezing feeling in my right side/flank. Tried to take it easy. Spent far too long trying to set up my new phone and restore my old one for my daughter to use. Went to bed at 12:30am. Found it hard to fall asleep even then. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, December 11th

Woke off and on from 4:30. Got up at 7:00. Drank some warm water. Took the tincture and oregano pills with a slice of apple. Had a shower and washed hair. While in the shower had an urgent need to have a bowel movement. Got out of the shower and had a soft BM with some effort. Got dressed and ready and left to walk to work at 7:35. 
No issues walking, went slow, felt a bit lightheaded slightly nauseous (sometimes happens with a hot shower in the morning) but mostly ok. Drank water all morning. Ate one digestive cookie and half a mandarin orange. Went for a 15min walk at 9:15. Right hip area sore after walk. 
10:00 meeting had right hip pain and some left sided chest richness but it resolved. 
Took an Aleve at 11:00 as my side was squeezey again. Not super painful but constant enough to make me feel a bit dizzy. Went for sushi at 12:00. Ate four pieces of California roll, four pieces of prawn tempura roll, two pieces of avocado roll (all with spicy mayo, sesame seeds, and soy sauce), miso soup and green tea. Feeling very tired. I could use a nap for sure. 
Drank hot water for remainder of afternoon. Ate another digestive cookie. 
At 1:15 I had another, softer looser BM. 
Meeting in the afternoon around 1:30-2:30. Face felt flush and irritated throughout the afternoon. 
Got driven home at 4:15 but had to walk to 4th floor in parkade. Went very slow up the stairs. Didn’t hurt but felt straining on my right side. Was also carrying my purse and another heavy-ish bag. 
Home at 4:30. Ate a few handfuls of leftover popcorn. At 5:30 I made two tuna sandwiches with canned tuna, Hellman’s mayonnaise, diced celery and black pepper. Took tincture and oregano pills. 
Took some photos, read a book, worked on the computer for a bit. 
At 7:15 took an hour long hot bath and read my book in the bath. 
Sat on the couch afterwards for about an hour and read my book. My right flank felt squeezed sitting on the couch. I tried to lay down flatter but it didn’t help. I got up for bed at 9:30. Pain subsided a bit while upright. Realized I forgot to sort out the music on my mums iPod. Spent half an hour at the computer trying to do that (pain worse when sitting) then tidied up for bed. 

Went to bed at 10:30. 

Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday, December 10th

Sleep was not great. The kids were up a lot and the rain was pounding on the roof. Felt like I was waking up every half hour to an hour. Alarm went off at 7 o’clock. I got out of bed at 7:20. I took the tincture and oregano pills with a slice of apple. My neck and chest are very itchy and I notice a blotchy rash on my chest. Also have red and bumpy cheeks. Sometimes this happens if I wear a necklace or use a new lotion etc but I can’t think of anything like that that would have caused it today. The face could be from wearing concealer on Saturday night but maybe it was the one sip of Andrews beer I had with dinner last night? Maybe I should do a food sensitivity test. 
Lots of lower abdominal pain that seemed like gas or cramping. Had a formed BM at 7:45. Abdominal pain relieved. 
Left to walk to work at 7:50. 
Right side squeezing all morning but manageable. At 9:45 went for a walk, got a almond milk chestnut praline latte (still with whip cream though) and took an Aleve for my abdo pains at 10:00. 
Walked to the mall at 12:00. Ate food court sushi - a roll with two prawn tempura, one yam tempura, cucumber and avocado with a teriyaki sauce drizzled on it. Felt ok. 
When I got back to the office I was feeling pretty crampy and like I needed to have a bowel movement. Had a soft BM at 12:45 and didn’t feel completely evacuated. Still feeling crampy. 
Went to my acupuncturist appointment for 1:00. I told her about last week going to the ER the day after treatment for intense RLQ pain and she suggested different points this time. So this time I tried laying on my front (with a pillow under my chest so my stomach wasn’t completely pressed against the table) and I had points all down my spine and across my lower back and a couple in my legs. After treatment I felt kind of foggy but physically ok. A bit stiff in both hips but not bad. Drank a lot of water throughout the afternoon. Ate a digestive cookie. Took a 15 min walk at 2:45 without issue. 
I still have the rash on my face and chest since this morning. Tried googling it but nothing seemed to fit. I’m wondering if it’s a reaction to food or perhaps, since I’ve always had facial flushing maybe there’s a chance I have mild lupus? Maybe will ask my GP for an ANA blood test just to see...
Walked home at 4:20. Feeling ok. Bit of stiffness in my hips and chest. About halfway home started having a bit of the squeezing pain on my right side and noticing the hip stiffness much more on the right than left. so I walked a lot slower the rest of the way which helps, but I almost feel like I’m limping because I’m trying not to jostle that side. 
Took two sprays of CBD around 5:00. Ate two homemade summer rolls (rice paper, shrimp, pollock, avocado, cucumber, carrots, lettuce) and a slice of toast with cheese whiz. Took the tincture and oregano pills. Sat down on the couch to read with heating pad. 
At 6:00 I got up, had the kids make some rice, I did love checks on two kids and braided hair. Then made popcorn around 7:00. Ate a few handfuls (popcorn, coconut oil, nutritional yeast, garlic salt, dill) and drank a glass of water. 

At 7:30 sat back down to watch tv with kids (popcorn always seems to irritate my right side, might be the coconut oil). The kids went to bed at 8:30. I got up at 10:00, tidied up a bit, checked some stuff on the computer, then went to bed at 10:30. Face rash is feeling a bit prickly but sometimes it does that after eating salty foods (popcorn). 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Sunday, December 9th

Woke at 8:00, got up and went to the bathroom. Feel like I’m getting a cold. A bit stiff, nose is stuffy, tickle in throat, and slight headache. Drank some water and went back to bed. Slept until 11:00, got up again at 11:30. Ate two slices of cheese whiz toast, two small pieces of candies salmon. Took the tincture and oregano pills. Drank ginger tea with agave. Ate two pieces of chocolate truffles at 12:45. Noticed my right side/flank hurting afterwards like a mild squeezing. I don’t notice much until I’m moving around. Worried about walking downtown for a photo meetup later. 
At 3:00 I ate two homemade rice wraps with lettuce, cucumber, carrots, avocado, pollock and shrimp (trying to mimic the thriftys summer roll I ate on Friday) and got ready to go out. 
By 3:15 photo plans were cancelled due to rain. So I spent the rest of the afternoon setting up Christmas decorations and decorating the tree with the kids. At 5:00 I sat in the couch with the heating pad and read my book. I ate the remaining leftover pasta from Il Terrazzo. 
At 6:00 I ate dinner: turkey & pork sausage burger (patty, bun, mayo, lettuce, slice of avocado, slice of tomato, one piece of bacon), salad (mixed greens, cucumber, tomato, and cucumber dill sauce), and poutine (oven baked fries, packet gravy, and blue cheese). Drank the tincture and took oregano pills. Had a large glass of water. 

Took a long hot bath after dinner. Drank two glasses of water. Then sat back down around on the couch  around 7:30 with a heating pad and read my book. I did get some uncomfortable pain right in the middle of my abdomen that seemed like gas pain. So I lay flat on the couch and moved the heating pad from my right side to the centre of my stomach. I fell asleep on the couch before 9:00, woke up again at 9:40 and went upstairs to bed. Had a lot of gas bubbles moving about and bouts of flatulence with minimal relief. Slept on my back slightly propped up with a pillow on top of me. 

Saturday, December 8th

Woke off and on from 6:00 until getting up at 8:15. Left at 8:30 to take daughter to horseback riding. Helped with the hoof cleaning as daughter had a sore right hand from a fall, engaging my muscles to hold the hoof up for all of 90 seconds made everything ache and feel unwell but passed within a few minutes. Drank ginger tea. Left at 10:30, drove daughter to friends house and then home by 11:00. 
Ate two slices of cheese whiz toast, a mandarin orange, two digestive cookies and some candies salmon. Drank tincture and took oregano pills. 
Worked on computer, showered and read until about 3:15, went out to pick up daughter, buy groceries, and buy a Christmas tree. Home by 4:15. 
Unloaded all and got ready for office Christmas party. Took two sprays of CBD/THC before leaving at 5:30. Was at party from 6:00-10:00. Ate beef bourguignon; salad with spinach leaves, salmon, and champagne dressing; white dinner bun with butter; mashed potatoes and gravy; poutine; maple creme brûlée.  I did not drink other than water. While walking around or waiting for the photo booth (both after eating) I had that ride sides flank squeezing pain but it was manageable. I did not dance. 
Came home, read for a bit, set up the tree for decorating tomorrow, drank the tincture and took the oregano pills with leftover pasta from Il Terrazzo. 
Went to bed at 11:30 feeling a bit bloated and full but otherwise ok. 


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Friday, December 7th

Woke up at alarm at 7:00. Laying on my left side, my right hip/groin hurts and I feel a bit nauseous. Got out of bed at 7:45. Had a small BM. 
Ate a slice of apple and some warm water. Drank the tincture and took some oregano pills. 
Left at 8:15 to drive kids to school. Arrived at school at 8:35 to help with holiday Emporium. Wrapped gifts from 9:00-10:30, then had to move the car. Was feeling mostly ok, some slight pains in right hip/groin. Drove to thriftys to get some snacks/groceries. Used a rolling basket so I didn’t have to carry the groceries. Also got a half sweet chestnut praline latte with almond milk. Back to school just after 11:00. Closer to noon my hip/groin was hurting a bit more so I sat down and ate a summer roll (lettuce, cucumber, carrots, avocado, shrimp and pollock in a rice paper wrap) and some candied salmon. Drank some water and took an Aleve. 
Had diarrhea at 1:00. Two more whitish yellowish chucks in stool. Wondering if maybe the oregano tablets are not dissolving?

Left the school at 3:45. Dropped off school stuff and groceries at home. Husband and girls took the inside while I waited in the car. Drove to Langford, picked up my mum and went to Costco at 4:45. Felt pain in right side/flank while pushing the cart around but not too extreme. Picked up noodle box at 6:00. Ate a mild Singapore cashew curry (ribbon noodles and coconut milk with veggies and cashews) with chicken and prawns. No issues eating this dish. Largely spent the rest of the night curled up in an armchair reading. Left my mums at 10:15. Drank tincture and took oregano pills with a slice of apple. Bed at 11:30. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thursday, December 6th

Woke up at 6:45. Got out of bed at 7:30. Very tired. Fell asleep quite quickly last night with my glasses still on and my ponytail still in. So I’ve woken up with a bit of a headache and probably because of the headache I feel slightly nauseous but not too bad. Took a generic Excedrin for the headache.
I made a slice of toast with vegan margarine and jam but I only ate two bites. Ate a slice of apple while drinking my tincture and took my oregano pills. Felt a sharp gas bubbles move through my pelvis it hurt but it passed. Feels like I need to have a BM but when I sat on the toilet nothing happened. Left to walk to work at 7:45. I’m still walking very slowly but my hips and ovaries don’t hurt as much as the last couple days.
Had a formed BM at 8:45. Getting infrequent somewhat sharp pains in pelvis and right hip. Feel a bit lightheaded or dizzy. Ate half a banana at 9:15. Went to meetings all morning. Didn’t feel great but no major issues. My right groin/hip is aching and my abdomen feels tense but I managed. Went for a slow 15 min walk at 10:00. Googled if I could take an Aleve with having taken the Excedrin earlier. Google does not advise this double NSAID combo so I just rode it out. 
At 11:45 walked a couple blocks to lunch at Il Terrazzo. Ate a chicken breast and prawns and grape tomatoes on a cheese and basil fusilli pasta. Pasta was not overly cheesey, I ate the pasta with the protein and left the rest to take home to husband. Walked back to work at 1:00 feeling a bit bloated but hip area feels better. 
At 2:00 I felt very uncomfortable. Like I had a huge gas bubble in my pelvis or like I really needed to had a BM. Some discomfort as well around my cervix area. Went for a walk to the mall at 2:45 and was already feeling better. 
Lasted the rest of the work day. Left work at 4:25. Carrying a bag plus my purse with groceries in it definitely hurt my right side quite noticeably. Both a sharp pain on my mid flank and a halting ache in my hip/groin. Took me almost 30mins to walk home. I felt immediate relief once I was no longer carrying the bags. 
I ate a slice of toast with cheese whiz and later had Szechuan noodles with meat sauce for dinner. I took the herbal tincture and oregano pills. 
I worked on the computer from 6:00-8:00 getting up occasionally to help the kids with something. Mild discomfort throughout the evening but relatively feeling pretty Ok. At 8:30 I sat down on the couch with the heating pad to read my book. 

Went to bed at 11:30

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, December 5th

Woke up at 7 o’clock with my alarm. Got out of bed 7:25. Had a hard formed BM that took a bit of effort. Still feel a bit like maybe I have to go more. Took oregano pills but did not take tincture. Will see if that makes a difference today. Also weighed myself this morning I am back to 170 pounds. Usually I am 180 to 185 and I have been down to about 163 so I guess this is an improvement. Left to walk to work at 7:45. I can still feel the tightness in my right lower quadrant. But it’s not like it was yesterday or at least not yet. Still when I walk my ovaries hurt or at least I think it’s my ovaries to the point that it kind of goes down into my Groin and thighs And makes me feel like my hips are stiff and I’m not walking with my usual gait. 
Drank ginger tea and hot water throughout the morning. Walked to Shoppers at 10:00 (about a block round trip). Took one Aleve/naproxen at 10:20. Had a formed BM around 10:30. Ate a digestive cookie around 11:30. Face is flushed. Ate noon walked to toy store for holiday toy drive then got a chicken spinach salad (contains feta cheese) with balsamic dressing. 
Ate a mandarin orange. Did not go last coffee because I wasn’t feeling up to the walk and work was a bit busy. 
Continued drinking ginger tea throughout the afternoon. 
At 4:20 I had another formed BM but I noticed it looks like there were several white cotton balls in my stool. Taking another look, I could also see a dried cranberry so I am assuming the cotton balls are actually the chunks of feta cheese from my salad lunch. 
Walked home at 4:30. Slower than normal. I think walking at my old normal somewhat fast pace really exacerbates my pain levels. So I walked slowly home. 
I got home by 5:00. Ate a slice of toast with cheese whiz and a small slice of apple. Drank the tincture and took the oregano tabs. Sat on couch for 45mins reading with a heating pad on abdomen. 
Drove daughter to concert at 6:00 and then went to a pac meeting at 6:30. Drinking was ok. No better or worse than sitting in my chair at work. Sitting in the pac meeting however was often uncomfortable. Mostly in my right groin sort of like the muscle or tendon that engages if you are sitting and try to raise your leg is very very stiff and hurts whenever I switch sitting positions. 
I left at 8:00, picked up daughter at 8:20 and drove home. Tried a bite of veggie samosa but I didn’t like it. 
At 9:00 I sat down on the bench at the computer to type out the meeting minutes. 
Saw a post on the Facebook endometriosis group about showing where you have pain. I’m glad mine is not the most expansive or the furthest from the pelvic area. 

Ate another piece of toast with cheese whiz at 10:30. Took two sprays of CBD/THC. Went to bed at 11:00

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Tuesday, December 4th

Woke at 7:00 to my alarm. Got out of bed around 7:25. Ate a slice of apple and took tincture and oregano pills. Had a soft BM and left for work at 7:45. Walking a feel aching in my pelvis in both hips/ovary areas but moreso on the right. 
Work in the morning went fine. No nausea at all. Ate a banana and drank ginger tea. Went for a 15min walk at 9:45 still aching in pelvis but manageable. Ate a digestive cookie. 
At 12:15 I walked three blocks to watch daughter sing at city hall, feeling quite sore in pelvis and mid-right side at belly button level and a bit of back ache same height. Walked three blocks back at 12:45, picked up a chicken teriyaki bento box from azuma. 
All afternoon my pelvis, flank, and back were hurting no matter which position I was in and seemed to be getting worse. At 2:45 I went for another 15min walk but the pain only increased. I took a Tylenol when I got back to work and left work early at 3:25 to bus to the hospital. 
I was really worried that the pain I was feeling was not going away no matter what position I was in and I was concerned that my appendix or ovaries were going to burst or that something was being strangulated inside me and I didn’t want to be alone with the kids if that happened. 
Got the hospital by 4:00, had intense pelvic pains on both sides and right flank pain that went around to my back. Had bloodwork and urine sample. Was called in at 7:00. Blood and urine normal but abdominal exam really hurt in right lower quadrant to the point of tears. Had an IV started with 2L of saline, 1g of acetaminophen and waiting for medical nagging to get another CT scan done. Given Toradol at 8:15. Had CT at 8:40. Was told at 10:00 my ct was totally normal and perhaps I should try stool softeners. Was given the report and discharged. I feel so crushed. I’m glad it’s not my appendix and that nothing in my abdominal cavity is inflamed, that is reassuring. It makes me think maybe it really is endometriosis and maybe I shouldn’t have stopped taking the progesterone cream...

Busses home. Got home at 10:45. Had a hot shower and went to bed. Did not take PM tincture/oregano pills. 
Got up again at 11:45 I was super hungry not having eaten dinner. Made myself a slice of toast with cheese whiz and then went back to bed.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday, December 3rd

Woke up at 6:30 from daughter being up early. Laid in bed until I had to get up at 7:20. Ate a slice of toast with vegan margarine and jam and drink the herbal tincture and took the oregano pills with a slice of apple. Lower right quadrant around my right ovary still hurts. Had a BM, then finished getting ready for work and left at 7:40. 
I have an acupuncturist appointment at 8:00. 
Had more points than last time. Two in each arm. Maybe five in each leg. About 11 in my abdomen and two in my head. Also had two ear seeds put in each ear. Overall feeling a bit tired afterward and noticing my right flank pain a bit more but otherwise feeling ok. 
Had a very loose watery BM at 9:45 then went for a 15min walk. Ate one digestive cookie and drank warm water. 
At 12:00 I went for lunch. Ate four pieces of spicy tuna roll and four pieces of prawn tempura roll, miso soup and  one fried veggie spring roll with plum sauce. 
Drank warm water throughout the afternoon. All afternoon my right flank pain hurt and felt like it was squeezing. Intensity came and went. Sometimes it was very gripping and other times was nearly ignorable.  And my ears hurt a bit but I think that’s the upper ear seeds. 
Left work to walk home at 4:15 and googled “appendicitis”. I guess I’m nervous that maybe when they did the CT on Oct 10th (before my abdominal symptoms began) that any kind of inflammation would not have shown then. But I guess I should trust that the doctors know what they’re doing and my abdominal exams, lack of fever, and lack of increased white blood cells make them confident I don’t have appendicitis. 
Came home and had to drive a friend of my kids home. While driving had more of the pain and it extended up to the diaphragm area too. Definitely something about sitting, especially driving in my car, that makes the lain so much worse. 
Was out for about 40 mins, came back home and had two sprays of THC/CBD. Ate a handful of leftover popcorn and ordered pizza. 
Pizza arrived at 6:30. I ate six pieces of bbq Hawaiian with garlic sauce. This is probably the most complex/high ingredient meal and the most dairy I’ve had in weeks. Didn’t feel too bad but my right side was already hurting so no major change. I took my tincture and oregano pills with a few sips of natural ginger ale, then put the kettle on for tea. 
I had a hot bath for about 20-30 mins, hoping to relieve the right sided and now lower back pains. It helped somewhat but not completely. 
After the bath I made myself a cup of ginger tea and sat on the couch with a heating pad and read my book. Lots of aching around ovary area on both sides. Can still feel the discomfort in my right side. 
I’m ok. My nausea is way better but my pains are worse. Really feeling in my right side sort of same level as my belly button and my right ovary area. 

Took another spray of the CBD blend and went to bed at 10:30/11:00. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sunday, December 2nd

Woke up around 8:15. Laid in bed until getting up at 9:45. Ate toast with vegan margarine and jam. Drank the tincture with some apple and took the oregano tablets. 
Left at 10:45 to pick up daughter from sleepover. Got back at 11:30. Ate a chocolate chip cookie. Worked on the computer and got the kids ready to leave. 
Left again at 12:30 to drive out to sooke to adopt a kitten. Sittin in the car both earlier this morning and on the drive hurt my right side from ribs to hips, but once out of the car I felt ok after a few minutes. However Sitting in the foster house looking at kittens, my right side hurt even more, especially if I leaned to my right for anything. I felt unwell and hoped I would last until home. 
Stopped for gas and groceries on the way home. Feeling a bit better when not driving but am looking forward to being home with a heating pad. Getting a bit of a headache. 
Got home at 3:45. Put the groceries away, ate some candies salmon nuggets and some leftover popcorn. Took two sprays of the THC/CBD and Sat down on the couch reading with a heating pad. 
Ate dinner around 6:00; steak cooked in butter, garlic butter prawns, cooked carrots and mashed potatoes with butter and a bit of gravy. Well down without issue. While standing, the area around both ovaries ached. Took the tincture and oregano pills with dinner and a bit of apple. 
Sat back down with the book and heating pad again after dinner. 
At 9:00 watched a movie with husband, drinking ginger tea. Ate a mandarin orange and a bit more popcorn and another cookie. 
Felt really tired after 11:00 but had to shower for work tomorrow. 

Showered and went to bed at 11:45. 

Saturday, December 1st

My mum slept at our house to leave for the airport early in the morning. Got up at 3:30 to make sure she was on her way ok. Had some warm water and went back to bed. 
Woke up again just before 9:00 but didn’t get out of bed until almost 10:00. Had a soft BM. Ate a slice of toast with vegan margarine and jam. Then drank the tincture. Tasted awful, as I was warned. Like paint thinner or an oil my gran used to use to clean her paint brushes. Took the oregano pills as well then drank some more water and brushed my teeth. 
Left at 10:45 to take daughter to a friends birthday party. Still have the pain from ribs to hip/ovary on the right side. Dropped her off and then ran errands/Christmas shopping until picking her up again at 1:00. My ribs hurt. Especially on the back and my hips ache. Feeling very hungry. Made another stop or two in the way home and was home by 2:00. 
Ate some leftover salmon with the cucumber dill sauce. Drank some ginger tea. Sat on the couch for a bit with the heating pad. 
Left again at 3:00 to take another kid to a friends house. Stopped at one shop on the way home. Ribs still hurt. Got home at 4:00
Sat on the couch with heating pad on my back. Even my shoulder hurt. My pelvis aches a bit similar to menstrual cramps radiating down my thighs. Took a spray of THC/CBD and drank some warm water
Ate two chocolate chip cookies my daughter made. Thought my right sided pain was worse after but not incredibly so. I got up from the couch and had some white rice with brags soy sauce (I was nervous if this would hurt since soy is in the high inflammation list, but it didn’t) around 6:00. Took the tincture and oregano pills. Afterwards I played video games with the family with the heating pad on my back for about an hour. At 8:00 I got up and made a pot of ginger tea and popcorn (coconut oil, nutritional yeast and garlic salt). Sat back down and read a book until nearly 9:00 then watched a movie. 
The popcorn made my right side hurt almost instantly, maybe 2mins after I ate it. Then it would fade and I’d try some more and get pain again. This makes me think the oil irritates my gallbladder. It hurts below my ribs and wraps around to my back. Oppositely, the ache in my hip/ovary is milder but more constant. 

Went to bed at 11:30